Piri Piri Summoners – Spirits, Strategy, and Wooden Wonders

In the valley of the Piri Piri, a tribe of summoners flourishes under the blessing of the spirits. As a token of gratitude, the tribe embarks on a sacred mission, sending its summoners on a journey to connect with powerful spirits. This quest is not for the faint-hearted, as each summoner must prove their skill through intricate rituals and intense competition, striving to bring prosperity to their land.

👥 2-4 players, ages 8+
⌛ Playing time: 30 minutes
📝 Designers: Louis Hsu & Emio Poon
🎨 Artwork: Emio Poon

🏢 Publisher: Mokuomo (prototype copy provided)
Check out the Kickstarter campaign by clicking here

How to Play

The objective of Piri Piri Summoners is straightforward: the first player to summon all three of their Spirit Cards wins the game. If no one achieves this, the player with the highest score claims victory. Each turn, players have three action options, each contributing to their strategic summoning process.

Firstly, players can choose to skip their move and swap a card from their hand with one from the deck. This involves selecting a card to discard at the bottom of the deck and drawing a new one. Alternatively, players can draw a card from the deck and then play a card from their hand, marking it with their wooden sculpture. The third option is to buy a card from the market using a wooden coin, which can either be played immediately or kept in hand. If the card is kept, the player must then play another card to maintain a hand of four cards, placing their wooden sculpture on the new card.

When playing cards, players must follow specific rules. Cards placed orthogonally around existing cards must be of a stronger suit or higher number, while neutral suit cards can be placed freely. Cards placed diagonally do not need to follow suit or number constraints, offering more flexibility. Strategic placement is crucial, as flanking weaker cards with stronger suits can remove them from the table, though Spirit Cards are immune to this tactic. If a player’s wooden sculpture is on a removed card, they must give one wooden coin to their opponent.

To win, players must summon all three of their Spirit Cards, each costing two wooden coins. Summoning requires specific card placements: Jacks need two cards of the same suit adjacent to them; Queens require three; and Kings need all surrounding spots filled with matching suits. Joker Cards can adapt to any situation, while Ace Cards can replace any card except Spirit Cards. During summoning, the adjacent cards to the Spirit Card are removed, facilitating the summoner’s success. If a player’s wooden sculpture is on a card that is removed, they must give one wooden coin to their opponent.

Essential Details About Piri Piri Summoners

Piri Piri Summoners is designed by Louis Hsu and Emio Poon, and published by Mokuomo. It’s a game for 2-4 players, ages 8 and up, and it usually takes about 30 minutes to play. The game will launch a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter on June 25th.

We got to play a prototype of Piri Piri Summoners, so we can’t fully judge the rulebook since it’s still being worked on. But even the prototype shows great quality. The handcrafted wooden pieces are beautiful and fun to play with. The artwork on the cards, done by Emio Poon, is really impressive, and the wooden coins feel nice to handle.

Gameplay, Strategy, and Player Interaction

The rules of the game are easy to learn, but don’t be fooled – there’s a lot of strategy involved. You need to place cards in specific patterns and follow rules about card strength and numbers. This means you have to think a few moves ahead to successfully summon your Spirit Cards.

Each turn, you have three actions to choose from: swap a card from your hand with one from the deck, draw a card and play a card, or buy a card from the market. These options let you change your strategy based on your hand and the play area. Joker and Ace cards add extra flexibility, helping you out of tough spots and allowing for smart plays.

There’s also a good amount of interaction with other players. You can remove their cards by flanking them with stronger suits, but Spirit Cards can’t be removed. If you remove a card with another player’s wooden sculpture on it, they have to give you a wooden coin. This adds a bit of competition and makes you think carefully about your moves.

Final Thoughts

We had a lot of fun playing Piri Piri Summoners. It’s quick to play and easy to teach, so it’s great for kids but also has enough depth for experienced players. If you love games that challenge your mind and keep you engaged, Piri Piri Summoners is a must-try. The balance between strategy and interaction is spot on!

If this sounds interesting, be sure to check out the Kickstarter campaign here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/woodas/piri-piri-summoners-a-wooden-shifty-tile-placement-game

📝 Disclaimer: We played a prototype provided by the publisher, Mokuomo.

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