The Fox Experiment – Rolling Dice, Breeding Foxes, and Historical Science

In 1958, a significant experiment began in the Soviet Union, focusing on the domestication of wild foxes. This historical event is the backdrop of the game The Fox Experiment. Here, players step into the shoes of geneticists, aiming to domesticate foxes through selective breeding. The game is rooted in real-world history but takes a playful turn, allowing players to engage in the scientific process through a board game.

πŸ‘₯ 1-4 players, ages 14+
βŒ› Playing time: 60 minutes
πŸ“ Designers: Jeff Fraser & Elizabeth Hargrave
🎨 Artwork: Joe Shawcross

🏒 Publisher: Pandasaurus Games (review copy provided)

The Fox Experiment is played over five rounds, each representing a generation of fox breeding. Every round consists of the following phases:

πŸ” Selection Phase: Players choose parent foxes and supplies in turns. The goal is to select one male, one female, and one supply track position in each round.
🎲 Breeding Phase: Players roll dice to produce new fox pups from the chosen parents. The dice results contribute to the traits of the pups, with various symbols representing different characteristics.
πŸ”¬ Research Phase: This phase involves using the traits of the pups to complete studies and score points. Players also collect trait tokens, which are a must for unlocking upgrades that can offer benefits in the game.
πŸ“Š Administration Phase: The pups are evaluated for their traits, and the friendliest ones are selected for the next generation. Players also prepare for the next round by resetting the game elements.

πŸ† The game ends after the fifth round. Points are calculated based on the number of studies completed, patrons attracted, upgrades unlocked, and the friendliness of the foxes bred. The player with the most points is declared the winner.

Published by Pandasaurus Games following a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2022, The Fox Experiment is a creation of designers Jeff Fraser and Elizabeth Hargrave, the latter known for the popular game Wingspan. Designed for 1 to 4 players, with an expansion allowing up to 6, it’s suitable for ages 14 and above. This review is based on the retail version, not the Kickstarter edition.

🐾 The game’s premise is fascinating, inspired by the historic endeavor to understand the domestication of dogs. This thematic essence is skillfully woven into the game mechanics. Players engage in open drafting to select their foxes, ensuring a variety of choices. The breeding phase resembles roll-and-write games, where players roll dice for traits and mark them on pup cards. While luck plays a role in die rolling, it can be mitigated with joker symbols on friendly tokens and dice.

πŸ”„ Progressing through the game, unlocking upgrades adds depth and strategic choices. These upgrades allow breeding multiple pups, gaining extra study cards, additional friendly dice, and patron scoring bonuses. This progression system enhances the game’s dynamics, as the pups bred in one round become the parents for the next.

🎲 Replayability is high due to the variety of strategies available in fox breeding, completing studies, and attracting patrons. The game features limited and indirect player interaction, such as drafting in the selection phase and competing to breed the friendliest pup each round.

🎨 Artwork by Joe Shawcross adds to the game’s charm, complementing its theme. The components, including many custom dice and wooden fox meeples, are high quality. A special element we found neat is using dry-erase markers on markable pup cards to record dice results.

πŸ“˜ The rulebook is well-written, blending details about the real-life fox domestication experiment with gameplay instructions. Illustrated with clear examples and images, it provides comprehensive guidance despite the game’s complexity and various phases. The initial learning curve can be steep due to the numerous game elements, but once grasped, the gameplay flows smoothly, usually wrapping up within an hour.

πŸ’­ The Fox Experiment offers a fresh blend of educational content and strategic gameplay set against the backdrop of an actual historical experiment. Its complexity provides a challenge, making it ideal for those seeking a thoughtful gaming experience within a reasonable timeframe.

πŸ“ Disclaimer: We received a review copy of the game from Pandasaurus Games, and we extend our thanks for the opportunity to explore it. It’s important to note that this game has two versions: a Kickstarter and a retail edition. Our review is based on our experiences with the retail edition, which is also what’s shown in the accompanying pictures.

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